System Settings and Setup

Steps - System Settings Setup

1. System System Maintenance Payment Service Tab - enter the details received from Verisign.
  • VeriSignHostName - defaults to "", once you have a VeriSign account this should be changed to ""
  • VeriSignHostPort -defaults to 443. This is the SSL port used to send payments. This must be opened in the firewall.
  • VeriSignTXTimeout - defaults to 30 seconds.
  • VeriSignPartner - defaults to "VSA" - this is the default for Australia.
  • VeriSignUser - you must provide this, VeriSign will provide it.
  • VeriSignVendor - you must provide this, VeriSign will provide it.
  • VeriSignPWD - you must provide this, VeriSign will provide it.

System System Maintenance Invoicing - tick the required settings.

  UsePaymentTypeBankAccount - Tick to use the bank account attached to the various payment types. ApplyWarehouseMaskToBankAccount – Tick if required (provides for masking depending on the active warehouse). WarnWhenCCPaymentExceedsTotalOrder – Tick to warn the user when the credit card payment they have entered is going to cause total payments to exceed the order total (i.e.: they will be over-paying the invoice)

Change the VerisignHostName from “” to “” when going live. The Port specified in the VerisignHostPort setting must be opened in the firewall.

Steps - Payment Types Setup

1. Debtors Configuration Maintain Payment Types - ledger accounts to be entered against the various payment types.
  1. Select relevant bank accounts for each payment type.
  2. Save changes.

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